About poet


Poet was developed for Python devs using a workflow involving Pyenv, Virtualenv, and Poetry to manage their project dependencies and environments as detailed in my Dev.to post, PVP- A Workflow for Python Projects. Poet allows you to initialize a Poetry project, create a clearly-labelled virtual environment, and set that environment as the local Python version for your project, all in a single command. Poet also lets you easily determine if Poetry's shell is active and acta as a proxy to run common Poetry commands.

GitHub Repos: https://github.com/skylerburger/poet/

Tools: pyenv, virtualenv, poetry

challenges and successes

Composing PVP- A Workflow for Python Projects, to explain the workflow that Poet assists with
Utilizing the sys and os modules to execute Bash commands from a Python script
Parsing terminal commands to determine which actions to take and arguments to consider